18 Mart 2009 Çarşamba


"i never had idols, i didn't belong to a gang and i never wanted to be part of a scene. i'm jack, just jack"

bu demecten daha ötesi var mı?
hastayız aksanının, brit hop'unun, gelişine vuruşunun. kulaklardan dünyanın pasını alan snowflakes bugunlerde panzehir.

does your life sometimes feel like one big fake orgasm
a gut reaction
instinctive spasm in the chasm
do your problems metamorphose into rubiks cubes
keep twisting and turning
becoming more confused
do you sometimes feel like you've been used and abused
you're not visibly black and blue but on the inside bruised
does your love life leave you feeling kind of bemused
you've played all the games and you're no longer amused

sometimes it feels like i'm looking through a pain of glass
i can see your mouth move but can't hear the words!!!

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