7 Haziran 2010 Pazartesi

nba playoff finals 2010

artest'in bu sene yuzugu takip intihar edecegi geldi bir anda aklima asagidaki nba 2010 playoff finals reklamini izlerken. o yuzden bu gece her turlu izlerim maci. yillar oldu gece yarisi nba maci izlemeyeli. reklam da Goodby Silverstein & Partners ve Bricyard VFX'in ortak yapimi. detaylari asagida.

This is Brickyard's fourth straight year working with the NBA on their playoffs campaign. “Unity” juxtaposes footage of rivals Magic Johnson and Larry Bird, and uses interview clips with each player to emphasize the importance of team unity in achieving victory. Ultimately the seven spots are tied together through different spins on the NBA Playoffs’ “where amazing happens” tagline. DJ Steve Porter set the footage to various beats, mixing and looping dialogue to create the innovative rap-like flow of the spots.

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Raki ve San Antonio maci

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oyle birsey yaptık mı lan biz:)
siyah beyaz renkleri bıraktım artık izlemem bir daha:)